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Ogri’la Reputation Boost in WoW TBC

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⏳ Start: 30 min.

Hey, ho, adventurer! Librarian Husky is here with an explanation of why you need to buy Ogri’la Reputation Boost Service

Ready to receive great loot rewards, like:

  • Amazing Weapons
  • BIS orbs
  • must have consumables

Why do Customers choose Husky for Ogri’la Reputation Services?

How does it work?

What is the delivery time?

  • Full reputation Grind will need about 25-32 days.
  • 1k of reputation will be 0.76 days

Any Requirements?

  1. 70 level
  2. Flying mount(if the Customer doesn’t have a flying mount, we will ask him to buy or farm it)

What are the Start time and Boosting type options?

What do Customers Receive?

  • Chosen reputation level of Ogri’la faction in WoW TBC
  • Entirely handmade process for Ogri’la reputation boosting.
  • All Items, gear, and consumables that the Customer’s character receives during the service