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7 things starting mythic + dungeons

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Hey guys, Librarian Husky here. In this guide, I will talk about some of the early mistakes I made in Mythic plus dungeons and the biggest lessons I’ve learned. I’ve gone from a complete noob to one of the highest-rated dungeon healers in the span of one expansion. My original goal with this channel was to get more people to try and play Mythic Plus seriously, and I hope you all find this sort of thing useful.

However, World of Warcraft has been around for a while. Mythic Plus is somewhat new in a unique game format. A lot of things that go on are unintuitive and take some getting used to. A big part of Wow is the learning curve. Maybe if I share some of the things that I wish I knew, you all can cut through the hard part faster and get to the really fun stuff. Let’s get started.

Don’t release

So the first lesson that I want to share is don’t release. This is a pretty unintuitive system. In any other game you play, you die. You’re not too happy that you die. You may get a little notification or press a or press start or press enter to resurrect your character, and almost always, you want to be doing it as fast as possible.

M+ differs

WoW differs in a way, especially in Mythic Plus, where releasing doesn’t always get you back where you want to go. It’ll put you at the nearest graveyard. In Mythic Plus, this can be a bad thing because sometimes you may be far away from the nearest graveyard. Especially if you have teammates that can resurrect you either in combat or out of combat.

It’s generally not good to press release and respawn right away. You may have skipped mobs, or you may have a teammate that can run faster than you or go invisible; that way, they can still resurrect you. One Habit I see from newer players is immediately releasing every time they die. I think, as a newer player. It’s a good idea to just ask. If you don’t know the dungeon, say, should I release here? That way, you can get an idea of what your teammates are doing, and someone might fill you in on where the nearest graveyard is.

You can’t always play for a score

Lesson two is that you can’t always play for score, so the currency or score or MMR rating or whatever in mythic plus dungeons is from the site Raider Io. There’s no in-game rating. However, most people have taken to the Raider io scoring system to judge their progress and compare it with other people. It’s pretty easy to gain a score once you get started in Myth or plus dungeons. You do a dungeon that you’ve never done before. With eight dungeons and Shadowlands, you’ll be able to choose. Well, okay, let me do this one. I haven’t done this one in a while, and then slowly upgrade your score.

Go into group finder

Eventually, however, you get to a point where you can’t simply go into group finder and get accepted immediately into a group for the score. Especially as metaclasses are really popular classes, it could be easy to get into groups, but you do hit a wall at some point, and you have to break that mindset of I will only play a dungeon if it’s an upgrade for me. If you look at the highest push groups, everyone tries to push keys up.

That’s not really a thing as you get higher rated in terms of, well, I’ll only accept an invite to a group if it’s the score for me, or I’m only going to join this group if it’s the score for me. Generally, the best thing you can gain is friends, and practice is going to be more valuable than a score. You’ll also find that once you break this Habit, there are still lots of other people that have this Habit person that only will play with you if the key that you’re inviting them to is a score or very close to scoring, and generally, the advice I would give is to try and avoid those people.

Making lots of mistakes

Lesson number three, you always make way more mistakes than you think you do. This is one that I knew, but I think it really needs to be on a sort of list like this. The advice that I always give people is to record yourself. Talking about self-improvement in World of Warcraft. It’s important to record yourself to see what’s going on. The problem, or the good part, in Mythic plus dungeon, is that so many things are going on. You don’t really know what has your attention.

  • I was in the tall desire.
  • Tank died to the Raison Bleed.
  • He said it was my fault.
  • I said it was his fault.
  • Whose fault was it?
You don’t know what you can see on your screen and what you can see on your UI. In hindsight, if you’re looking back at death, you might think something is unavoidable or something was easy to avoid. But then, when you actually look back and see what was going on in your mind. You can realize that maybe I should have changed my UI, or there’s no way I could have seen this coming. On top of that, you find way more mistakes than you think you do. Sometimes I’ll hear stories. I had a guy come into my chat, and he’s like, okay, well:

Improving skills

It’s like, first of all, fault doesn’t matter. It’s more about improving as a player, and the thing is that both of you probably made a bunch of mistakes and the only way you’re going to find those mistakes. It is to record yourself and watch back and see well.
There’s I didn’t have my efflorescence on the ground, or I had an external, or he had a spell that he could have used, or you know whatever he didn’t use. that whole potion there’s plenty of opportunities where. Usually, if there’s something that went wrong, it’s the fault of multiple parties, and the point of recording yourself is to go back and find out what you could have done differently.

The in-between time is really important

Lesson number four, the in-between time, is really important. All the time that you spend waiting for a patrol or drinking or getting back up to full health or deciding what to do. All that stuff matters. You’re on the clock, after all. One of the biggest differences I’ll see between lower- and higher-level groups is that of the lower-level groups.
Often aren’t decisive enough. That can be really hard for newer players. You can’t be expected to know everything there is in a dungeon. There’s just. So much information, and there are so many dungeons, but. It’s important to realize that that stuff matters, and you should do your best if you want to move up the ranks to learn as much as you can and be as decisive as possible.

Tanks mostly

This is mostly on tanks, but it does matter for everybody, and you generally should just be always going forward and trying to pull stuff and have a good idea. What you need to get in the dungeon is what packs are avoidable and what packs aren’t. Spend time in the dungeon journal or mythic dungeon tools if you can. It’s really boring, but it’ll help you a lot. There’s a sweet spot with speed in a dungeon. You don’t want to go unnecessarily fast and drag the healer along.
So they can’t get mana or like pull stuff when you don’t have cooldowns ready or when stuff isn’t grouped together. But generally, you should go as fast as possible whenever possible.

Damage matters

Lesson number five damage matters a lot. When I first started off, i. would go through dungeons, and there would be maybe one critical error that would cause a wipe, and then inevitably, we wouldn’t time the key, and I would think, well. If we didn’t have that error, we’d be fine. But the thing is, errors are going to happen.
When you have a group of five players running in a 30 or 40-minute dungeon, there’s gonna be tons and tons of mistakes. Even the best groups wipe occasionally, and bad things happen. You might have a bad overlap, and anything can happen that can cause mistakes. Damage is your allowance for mistakes. Initially, I thought that damage didn’t matter a lot, and as long as you did things correctly, you could time keys with any player, class, or whatever. But the thing is, damage gives you way more leeway for mistakes.

Highest damage classes

I don’t want to say you should only pick the highest damage classes. But in terms of deciding who you’re inviting to your group. Which friends do you play with or maybe what build did you decide personally? It’s really important to have a group that does much damage. Suppose you have a group that does 10 or 15, or even 20 percent more damage than the average group at your level. You can make 20 percent more mistakes. You can actually just fully wipe every key and still time it versus other groups that couldn’t. This is something that can be a bit hard to visualize at first, but the important takeaway here is that every point of damage matters, even from tanks or healers or picking one DPS or the other.
Well, why does that stuff even matter? And it’s like, well. If everything is perfect, obviously, it doesn’t matter, but if your group is doing that extra 10 or 15 percent more damage, it will allow you so much more room for mistakes. Then if you have a low-damage tank and a healer that does lower no damage versus a very high-damage healer and tank, it’s going to be actually noticeable, and you’re going to be able to play a lot worse and still get through the dungeon and a good speed.

Be willing to experiment and fail

Lesson number six is to be willing to experiment and fail. This is probably one of the last lessons I learned personally on the list. It’s something that my current tank really broke me off. You can’t take every key seriously and just try and time every single key. You have to do stuff to learn. Like if you never experiment and try different builds or try different pulls or overall just put yourself out of your comfort zone. It’s a lot harder to improve as a player.
Most people are good at a situation where everything goes right, and there are no challenging parts. To the run, there’s nothing to think about, and you’re just on autopilot. It’s important to be able to do that, too, but the more you put yourself in these uncomfortable situations where you’re pulling like different mobs that you didn’t even know that you could pull together or just chaining together packs that you didn’t think you could use before or.

Healer build

Maybe running a build as a healer. That’s very offensive or not bringing a talent that’s normally kind of like the safety cushion you always use. When you do that sort of thing, you really help yourself grow as a player and learn. I think this is applicable to like basically everything in life, too, not just World of Warcraft. In general, you should look to do things that put you out of your comfort zone, and obviously, there’s a time and a place for this right. If you’re in your group, or your friends are a little bit frustrated or if you have a key that you really need or if things aren’t going well, yeah.
Sometimes you just have to buckle down, put the safety belt on, and take one step at a time. As a general Habit, the way that you go about things and the way that you play dungeons, you really should play to learn. It kind of goes hand in hand with you can’t always play for score too. When you’re a noob, it’s like. Well, if you have two options to. Wait, and hope you can get into a better key or maybe a slightly lower key and try and make some friends or try a new talent build. Just experiment. I think usually getting in there and battling is going to be the better option.

Enjoy the time on the bench

Lastly, be happy when you’re on the bench. The thing is, nowadays, in games, you’re not used to having a bench. You go in. There’s no social networking. There’s no waiting. All it is just a bam attack. In contrast, there are some benefits to that system too. The problem is you end up with people that you don’t always want to play with, and you end up kind of stuck in a rut where you’re like at 50 win rate, and you’re not really accomplishing anything.

  • You load up Dota 2 or League or whatever game that you play.
  • There’s one big shiny button.
  • You press it.
  • You get a timer.
  • Then bam, you’re in a game.

Why was kind of Unique. in that there’s no matchmaking for Mythic, plus you just. Go down the groups just like it’s the year 2000 again and just look at everyone’s name and try and apply to groups and see who accepts you. It’s cool, and it’s bad at the same time. It can be frustrating when you don’t get to play. But ultimately, it’s a part of the game. It’s something that you have to accept.

Static group of people issues

Especially as you move higher, you can’t always have this static group of people that you play with all the time, and like every time you log in, you’re playing like. Sometimes you have to be on the bench. It happened to me a lot. I was moving up. Obviously, you want to get in there and do some lower keys to meet people, but.

Sometimes you can’t find groups. You have to wait around whether it’s mid-level, higher-level, or stuff that scores for you. It’s something that’s okay. You have to embrace that feeling because it makes the times that you do high keys even more special. If you can always press a button and then get a match made into whatever the highest key is that scores for you. I think Mythic Plus would lose much of its magic in terms of exciting things or feeling like something is on the line.

Pushing a whole week or weekend

So even though it. Sometimes you go a whole push week, a weekend, or even a day you have a Friday night, and for wow players, a Friday night is sitting around and playing on the computer.

  • You’re expecting to get a lot done and have all your friends play.
  • Maybe you log on.
  • They’re playing with another healer
  • That guy doesn’t log off for the whole day, or maybe you have a friend missing.
  • You don’t have anything to do.

Ultimately you have to accept that sometimes it’s going to happen, and you can’t get down on yourself when you’re on the bench. You just have to accept it, and you’re like, hey, today we’re on the bench and move on. It was a bit rambly, but I hope I learned some of the lessons that people don’t necessarily tell you when you’re just getting into Mythic Plus. Thank you for checking my short but informative guide. Please don’t hesitate to visit our Mythic 15 Boost Services page – we are ready to help, no matter what. Bye!